Hypertension is an elevation in blood pressure. Western medicine uses a combination of Diuretics, Beta-blockers, Calcium channel blockers, Ace inhibitors to help control blood pressure elevation. Fortunately, Acupuncture can also help you manage your high blood...
Whether you are young or old, man or woman trying to solve a weight problem, not knowing the underlying cause of weight retention is not going to solve your weight dilemma. In Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), healing the body, mind, emotion and spirit is as...
No one wants to live with pain. Whether the pain is due to sciatica, herniated disc, arthritis, migraine, etc. it is the body’s way of telling you that something is wrong and out of balance and should not be ignored. The basic concept of pain in Acupunture and...
In Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy (also called Qi) is considered the motor of all human activities. All human activities like walking, eating, swimming, etc., are a function of energy. The energy in your body can be compared to a battery in your...
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, arthritis falls in the category of “Painful Obstruction Syndrome” (POS). The main symptoms are pain, numbness and/or swelling of the joints, stiffness, and fatigue. In Chinese medicine, there are five different kinds of...